1. Names:
Sanskrit: |
Vashini, Mamaskari |
Sensitive Plant, Bashful Mimosa,
Humble Plant, Touch-me-not |
Mimosa pudica Linn |
Hindi: |
Chhui-Mui, Lajwanti, Lajjawati,
Lajalu, Lajak |
Telugu: |
Peddanidrakanti |
names: |
Mimosa, sensitiva, sensitive plant,
dorme, dormidera, humble plant, marie-honte, mayhont,
morivivi, honteuse, sleeping grass, ti mawi, touch-me-not,
adormidera, feuilles honte, honte, quitem tranquille,
memalu (modesty), puteri malu (modest princess), Lajak,
Thottavadi, Najuko, Prasarini |
name: |
Mimosoideae |
2. Parts used:
- Roots
- Leaves
- Flower heads
Contents: Mimosine (Ascorbic-acid, crocetin, crocetin-dimethyl-ether,
D-glucuronic-acid, D-xylose, linoleic-acid, linolenic-acid,
mimosine, mucilage, norepinephrine, oleic-acid, palmitic-acid,
sitosterol, stearic-acid).
3. Properties and Action According to Indigenous
Medical Systems:
- Rasa: Bitter, Astringent.
- Vipak: Spicy.
- Veerya: Seetaveerya.
4. Uses:
- It’s nature is acrid, cooling, vulnerary, alexipharmic,
antibiotic, antimicrobial, anti-neurasthenic, antispasmodic,
diuretic, nervine.
- It used as medicine for bile imbalances.
- With some combinations it also used for leprosy, dysentery,
vaginal and uterine complaints.
- It is good remedy for inflammations, burning sensation,
fatigue, asthma, leucoderma, blood diseases.
- According to Unani this toot cures the problems related
to blood impurities and bile.
- It also useful in clearing leprosy skin wounds and ulcers.
5. Names due to Physical properties:
- Raktapadi: Roots are in red colour.
- Samanga: All the parts of this pant are in equal length.
- Lajjavati: Sensitive plant.
6. Names due to Medical properties:
- Sandhaanikarani: Joins cuttings of skin and nerves.
7. Reference:
Rajamarthaandam, Vasthu guna deepika, Vasthu guna prakashika,
Chakradatta, Susrutam, Basabarajeezam, Bhavaprakashika, Vangacena,
Charakasamhita, Vagvatamu.